The 2024 AOTY Perch Outing is Saturday, Sept. 14 at Harley Ensign Boat Launch. Start time is 7:00 AM. End Time is 1:00 PM. Weigh-In at 2:00 PM with Lunch at Harley Ensign parking lot. There is $15 entry fee per angler which icludes lunch and an optional $10 Big Fish fee.
To enter, simply TEXT me, Gaspare Aragona at (248)330-1774 at least 3 days prior to the outing so I can get an accurate count for lunch.
For boat entry: Include the captain’s name and phone number first, followed by all other anglers' names (first and last) on board. Using the following legend, after the captain’s or participant’s name specify Mfor DAS Member, Y for DAS Youth Member or G for Guest
Entry fees are $15.00 per person except DAS Youth Member Only (child of DAS Member 17 years of age or younger) which includes lunch. Big fish pool is an additional $10.00 per person (All Entrants).
You may opt out of big fish if you choose but everyone on board will either be IN or opt OUT.
Be sure to let me know in your entry text if you are opting out or you will be considered IN and required to pay the big fish pool fee.
If you are fishing from shore, just text your name and that you want to participate. The entry fees will be the same.
It might be even easier to sign up on the our website at AOTY Entry Form because you will be prompted for all the required information.
This is an individual event for AOTY (Angler Of The Year).
Best 5 perch by weight. Ties will be determined by length. Fish must be minimum 8" to be weighed.
Gaspare Aragona